Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Environmental Graffiti : Green Moss Graffiti

Environmental Graffiti : Green Moss Graffiti 

Environmental graffiti today has evolved, many methods to create a stunning work of art. Graffiti is identical with a spraycan. But now many artists who began to create something new, something that is more environmentally friendly. It seems the artists began to make a moss graffiti as a campaign for the environment. With the basic ingredients of moss graffiti will be easier to release or in other words more flexible. This is not destructive.

Environmental Artist – Anna Garforth

Mossenger is the brainchild of London-based artist, Anna Garforth. Inspired by guerilla gardening collectives, who aim to enrich dilapidated public spaces, and Andy Goldsworthy, a British artist who creates site-specific art installations from materials and tools found on site, Anna is currently working on an on-going moss street art project.
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